We all have goals that we set out to achieve at the beginning of each year. Some people are highly successful at achieving those goals, while others lose sight of them quickly. Since we are still at the beginning of the year, now is the perfect time to think about how to stay motivated to reach your goals throughout the year.
I use a very specific plan of action when it comes to setting out my goals to achieve throughout the year. It is a method that consistently works for me to keep me on track to clearly set out my goals and achieve them. In this post I will outline the method of what works for me. I hope you enjoy my tips & I hope they inspire you to make a few of your dreams come true this year !
Use a Notebook
At the beginning of each year I always start the new year fresh with the purchase of a cute Planner, Notebook or Journal. It doesn’t have to be anything too fancy, but for me … the fancier the better ! You can find cute notebooks, pretty pens and planning accessories at the Dollar Store or go all out and purchase something fancier. A variety of notebooks are available with motivating quotes on them to keep you focused. Regardless of the price or format, essentially they all do the same job so chose one that suits you best. Find something that inspires you and that is cute enough that you will want to use it often. If you are a person that is always on the go and doesn’t want to carry a notebook in your purse at all times I suggest using a note app for your phone or computer such as Google Keep. Google Keep is a simple note interface that makes for seamless idea-gathering and list-making.
Write Everything Down
Now that you have your notebook, write down all of your ideas and plans for the the next year. Constantly write any thoughts, dreams, goals, hopes, aspirations that go through your head at any given moment. It’s really up to you how to organize your notebook. I like to separate my notebook into categories such as Family, Career, Money & Health therefore I divide my notebook into sections. Give yourself space as each section can fill up fast once you get to brainstorming ideas and goals and ways to achieving them. Always keep in mind what the end goal is of what are you trying to achieve. Having a place to write all your ideas down feels so much better than having all those thoughts going around in your head. Bringing them to paper, in a way also brings them to life. It’s such a rewarding feeling when you begin to cross things off the list that make you closer to your dream.
Create your Gameplan
When setting your goals try to be really specific. Your intentions need to be specific so that you don’t feel overwhelmed or defeated at any time. Be specific and write down each step you need to take to accomplish your end goal. This will hold you more accountable. Write down action items that you can accomplish now or in the very near future. Go further and break it down weekly or monthly of tasks you need to achieve before a specific deadline. This ensures that you are doing a little something each day to reach your goals. Consistency is key.
Find your Why
When organizing your thoughts you need to figure out your ‘Why?’. Ask yourself ‘Why do you want this?’, ‘Why do you want to accomplish this goal?’, & ‘Why is it so important to you that you do this?’. Find your reason why this goal is so important to you and why you feel the need to achieve it. Your reasoning should be unique and not just because everyone else is doing it or because it’s the latest trend. You need to be driven and passionate about your dreams. When analyzing your goals be sure that your achievements benefit you, better yourself and those around you.
Find your How
An important step in achieving your goals is finding out how you are going to accomplish your goals and organize a plan of action. It might take putting your social life on pause for a while or sacrificing things that distract you and get in the way of you and your goals. Once you discover your Why? and How, that is what is going to keep you focused and on track. You will push harder because you have a reasoning behind why you want what you want.
Make it happen
Goals change with time and reevaluating often is very important. Something that was very important to you at the beginning of the year might not currently interest you anymore. Continue to think creatively with an open mind while crossing those goals off your list as you achieve them. Nothing is going to work unless you do, push yourself out of your comfort zone and do things you don’t want to do. I can assure you that it will pay off. To be successful you need to know what you want and be consistent with it and keep doing it. Consistently doing a little bit all the time gets you closer to your goal. You might get off track but remember to pick up where you left off and keep it moving. Stay out of your own way and don’t let fear hold you back from greatness and your full potential.
I hope you enjoyed my secrets to staying motivated to achieve your goals. Please try out these tips and apply them to your own life. What are some of your goals for this year? Let me know in the comment section below.
This is a great way to keep on top of your goals and make sure you are meeting them!!
I HAVE to write everything down! I am like the queen of lists!
lol me too ! There is nothing better than crossing things off the list 🙂